2023 Say on Climate
February 9th 2023
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Last week the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF), Sarasin & Partners LLP, CCLA and Ethos Foundation wrote to the chairs of all FTSE listed companies (excluding investment trusts) requesting that companies allow for a shareholder vote on their greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy. Having a ‘Say on Climate’ vote aims to enhance transparency and accountability on one of the most pressing financially material risks facing investee companies.
Ahead of the 2023 AGM season, the letter welcomed those Boards that have already enabled shareholders to have a ‘Say on Climate’ via a resolution on the ballot paper. However, the letter urged all companies to follow suit by disclosing their transition plans aligned to a 1.5°C temperature outcome and allowing investor oversight on the robustness of plans through a vote on the strategy and any associated capital expenditure requirements.
The full press release is available to view here.