Say on Climate: Making Climate Action Count

Together with CIFF and Sarasin and Partners, LAPFF is hosting a ‘Say on Climate’ conference at Church House Westminster on 23 February from 10.30 to 3pm. Please find the programme for the day here: Say on Climate Conference Programme
The ‘Say on Climate’ initiative asks companies to set out their strategy to manage the transition to a net zero emissions business. Investors are asking for emission disclosure consistent with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, a five-year plan to get onto a net zero emissions pathway and annual provision for shareholders to vote on such plans. The UK government is moving towards making publication of corporate net-zero transition plans mandatory and is setting up a high-level transition plan taskforce, to develop a ‘gold standard’ for climate action transition plans by end of 2022.
Join representatives from LAPFF, CIFF and Sarasin with a range of speakers in the corporate, regulatory and advisory space to discuss corporate climate action plans and how companies can get ahead of the mandatory reporting process.
Confirmed speakers to date include Doug McMurdo (LAPFF) Sir Chris Hohn (CIFF) Richard Murphy (Corporate Accountability Network) Nicolette Bartlett (CDP) Rachel McEwen (SSE) Matt Crossman (Rathbones) Mark Campanale (Carbon Tracker) Natasha Landell-Mills (Sarasin) Clive Betts MP (LAPF APPG) Ben Caldecott (Oxford Sustainable Finance) Sandy Boss (Blackrock) Carol Bell (Chapter Zero) Tom Harrington (Northern LGPS) Darpan Harar (Ninety One) and Nick Robins (LSE).