Vision and Impact: 30 Years of LAPFF

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF). To celebrate the occasion the Forum has produced a booklet tracing the evolution of the LAPFF and its major successes.
As the booklet notes, the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) has been proudly protecting public sector pension funds for 30 years. It has done so by engaging companies, and policymakers, to promote the highest standards of corporate governance. Over the past three decades, the Forum has grown not just in membership, but in confidence and influence. This success has been built on LAPFF’s founding idea that environmental, social and governance issues are financially material. This now sounds mainstream, but it wasn’t in the early 1990s.
The booklet charts and celebrates these changes and the achievements that LAPFF has secured over the past 30 year. The Forum has successfully engaged with companies to alter their policies, helped bring about change in governance practices and board composition, and successfully pushed for reforms of regulations and regulatory institutions. The booklet highlights the breadth of the engagement successes from action on human rights violations in Australia to high pay in the City, and from environmental disasters in Africa to labour practices in the US. It also demonstrates the importance of long-term, persistent engagement to deliver change to the benefit of our members and other stakeholders.
As the booklet concludes, the context in which LAPFF operates will continue to change and evolve. However, with a focus on ensuring high standards of corporate governance and considering the social and environmental implications of a company’s activities, LAPFF can step into the future sure of foot.